Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Chocolate Mush Anyone? Well, this is how the second half of my day went. We went to Grapevine Friday for one last getaway before school starts on the 21st. We were on our way home from my moms and made it to Mesquite when some idiot in the lane next to us had a barrell fly out the back of his truck (which had no tailgate). Well I moved over a lane to avoid getting hit, but this guy thought he needed to get all the way over, so without minding me being there he hit us. I'm screeming the whole time, Bradley's crying asking if we were dying and the idiot is pushing us closer to the concrete barrier. Needless to say we were all very shook up. It was very scary. God was taking care of us though and everyone was safe and somehow there was very minimal damage done to the car (don't ask me how that happened). The worst part of it was that the chocolate cake went flying and got smashed when I slammed on the brakes. I'm sure we'll still eat it mom. Thanks for all the yummy food you sent home with us!!! The following pictures are from our time at my mom and dad's house. Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

Just Me. . . said...

I hate idiot drivers!! I'm glad you are all okay though!