Saturday, August 5, 2006

LIKE MOTHER LIKE SON! Does this picture remind anyone of a little girl who used to have quite a horny toad collection every time she went to her Grandma and Grandpa's? That's a lizzard in Jakes hand. He wasn't too happy with me when I said he couldn't keep it. Of course I don't know if the poor creature was able to walk away after Jake squeezed him that tightly! (Notice the tail has been ripped off as well) Posted by Picasa


Candice said...

I love that! I'm glad to see kids that still like to catch critters outside. I'm doing my best to instill that in my kids. Anna Kathryn loves nature and animals, but I don't know if she's ready to pick up lizards. Worms are about as big as she gets :). SOOOOO glad you are blogging, friend!

Julia said...

I was so excited you posted on my site! Your boys are getting so big - they are precious. I will look forward to keeping up with you through your blog! By the way, it does get easier - I'm totally not technologically savvy, but I'm slowly but surely picking it up. If it makes you feel better, I also created two identical sites & it confused me for weeks :).

jaime s said...

Laura!!! How fun to find your blog. Candice sent me the link! What a treat to see your boys. Can they be that grown up already??? Bradley still is the spitting image of Randy and I think Jake looks SO MUCH like you!

Glad things are going well!! Post more when you get a change. I'd love to hear what you are up to and where you guys are living now!