Monday, August 21, 2006

You think it would be easier by second grade to send your child to school on the first day without crying. It's not. Bradley is getting so much more independent. He still wanted me to walk him in, but I had to keep my distance. No hugs or holding hands in front of friends. I did manage to get a hug in the hallway before he went into the room. I also couldn't boo hoo in the car because Jake was with me and I didn't want to give him a complex next year when he goes to Kindergarten and has flashbacks of his mom's reaction to dropping big brother off. Bradley had a good day. He was a little tired after a long day, but he made two new friends and he likes his teacher. Coming Soon to a Blog Near You...... JAKE'S JOURNEY TO JUPITER! (Jake will begin Pre-K tomorrow at home.)

1 comment:

Just Me. . . said...

This year, Dakota didn't even want me to walk him in!!! **sigh**