Thursday, January 4, 2007

What's a Mom to do???

Okay so a steady stream of tears down my face (from dropping my sweet Jake off) has dried a little due to the frustration of dealing with blogger. Anyway, today I took Jake to his first day of Mothers Day Out. He has NEVER been to anything like this. Long story short, we are holding him back a year and he will go to the Christian school here in town for pre-school next year. We thought Mother's Day Out would get him comfortable with everything. Jake is VERY shy around new people, so this will help him come out of his shell a little. He will go Tuesday and Thursday from 9-2. I stayed for thirty minutes and watched through the windows. He didn't say a word to anyone for the 30 minutes I watched. Maybe he'll warm up as the day goes on.

So, back to my question....What am I to do? It's been 8....YES EIGHT years since I've had days completely to myself!!!! I've snuck in days here and there from grandparents or Randy having a day off, but this is every Tuesday and Thursday!!! I just don't know how to handle it!!! I know I will be cleaning today because I have been dying to go through toys in the boys closet without them around. And playgroup comes to our house tomorrow, so I have to get it in order for that. This is crazy. There is no Clifford or Curious George on the TV this morning. I don't even know what comes on TV besides PBS kids!

Well, I better get to cleaning. BTW----For those of you who want to see pics of the new furniture, I will post that when the we get the rest of the tables on January 19th. We love our couch and chairs. This is a whole other post in itself and it will be a post, just not now...later

On the way to MDO this morning I asked Jake if he wanted his shoes on the right feet this morning or if he wanted to leave them the way they were. This is the FIRST time he has ever cared to switch them!!! He said he didn't want the other kids to laugh and him. And then he told me, "anyways, they are tight when they are on the wrong feet momma." Ha!

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jaime s said...

Wow...big step! I feel the same way dropping Faith off at Bible class just for an hour. Your kids are growing up way too fast!

Enjoy your Me time again. I know what I would do but I am a quilter with WAY too many quilts to finish so that makes it pretty easy to decide. I also need to work on Faith's that she's a year old I don't want to get too far behind!!

Hope you enjoyed your holidays!

Monica said...

I think you should watch soaps while you are alone!! : ) Sounds like Jake is getting big. Let us know how he did.

Patti said...

Jake suddenly looks older!!! I love the pictures. I bet he will love going to mothers' day out.
Love you all,

Just Me. . . said...

I'm so glad you got some good "me" time and that Jake enjoyed himself.

Kendra said...

Go to a bagel or coffee shop and take a good book to read. Relax, sip yummy flavored coffee, munch on a cream cheese slathered bagel and just enjoy. That's what i would do anyway! Enjoy your MDO, and know that it's probably a great thing for little Jake's social life! Your boys sure are handsome!