Thursday, March 8, 2007

So we received quite a few phone calls yesterday from concerned friends. Thanks. Everything is fine, a little stressful, but fine. Yesterday at the High School, a teenager committed suicide with a gun at 7:15 am. School starts at 7:30. A little scary to know a child took a gun into the school, but a very sad situation. I won't go into all the details, just repeat what was on the news. Randy had the boy in his second period class. The school let kids go home if their parents came to get them and then the rest of the kids stayed at school. Which I think was a WISE decision by the administration. That way the kids had access to counselors (which they brought in extra) and could receive the help if needed, instead of sending the kids home to deal with it on their own.

Anyway, I feel bad for Randy. This is the second traumatic experience he/we have been throught from school. The first was in Ferris when we lost our good friend Mike, December 4th 2001, in a car accident right in front of the school. He was a coach with Randy. Randy had to go to the car and see Mike there and then tell his wife what happened.

I don't know, just stressful stuff to deal with. Don't really understand it all. I did get a diet coke yesterday. first one in almost 3 weeks. I'm back to water again though. Just wanted to treat myself I guess. I'm trying to make things less stressful for Randy at home. He has baseball games all day today, Friday, and Saturday. Maybe Sunday he can get some much deserved rest.


Pearson Family said...

I have been thinking about you...

Patti said...

Hang in there, Laura. We love you and Randy!