Monday, June 11, 2007

We were in Grapevine this past week holding the fort (or should I say ZOO) down while my parents were away. While there we celebrated Jake's 5th Birthday! A couple of different celebrations... the first with my mom and dad. Then On Thursday we went to a water park in Hurst with our friends the McGraws. They just live down the street from us and drove all the way to Hurst to enjoy the day with us and have hamburgers for dinner.
I've managed to get a pair of those FIT FLOPS from Bath and Body works. After our mobile Sunday our church had at the park in pouring down rain, I managed to ruin my summer sandals. I noticed the Fit Flops in Bath and Body Works a while back and they looked rather comfy and they are supposed to help firm your backside up. So, I went and bought myself a pair. Well, I wore them this week in Grapevine and a lot of people asked me where I got them and some strangers even asked to try them on. I had no idea they were such a hot item. Well, while staying at my moms, my sisters cat Vern (who scratched the bajeebers out of my arm on the plain ride home from New York) decided he would use my new Fit Flops for a scratching post!!! I was able to get another pair when we returned home and the lady said that Greenville was a testing spot for selling these shoes! They are sold out in the UK and online, but they are here in Greenville! Wow go figure....anyway looks like a possible ebay situation for me :) !!!

Another thing going on that i haven't said anything about is Softball. Some months ago I had connected with an old friend (Wade Floyd) and he had asked if I was playing any sports, mainly softball. When I said no he asked why not. I got to thinking and realized hey my kids are old enough to sit in the dugout and not need constant supervision...I ought to play. So I am playing with a church here in town and MAN AM I TERRIBLE!!! It's been a lot of fun, but I'm no player like I used to be...we are however 4-2 for the season so that's good! Hopefully they will ask me back next year to play again...I am getting a little better! :)

We got our truck load of sand delivered today...that's the last picture...we are leveling for the pool to go up. We had to wait this long to get sand because the rain has soaked the sand so much they haven't been able to deliver it until today! But now we have it and the boys are extatic!!!






Monica said...

Sounds like your fit flops are a hot item. I can't believe the cat liked them too. I had to giggle when I read that part. We do need to get together more often as we didn't even get to the subject of you playing softball. How fun!! You are so fun Laura. I enjoyed our time together. There is just something special about a friend who has been a friend for more years than you care to count. Good luck with the pool.

DeeAnne said...

yay! i big pile of dirt! nothin better than that!

and happy bday jake. looked like fun. i would have loved to be there.

and, oh man, sorry about the flit flops. bad vern.

Unknown said...

I've got to check these fit flops out! Sounds like they look really different if all these people were asking you about them! Have fun with the softball. I've never played before, but it's always seemed like fun. It'll give the boys something to cheer YOU on for! Have fun!

Amy L. Jackson said...

Thanks for finding me...I cannot believe you have THREE boys! They are precious...and have your gorgeous blue eyes!

Keep in touch...I will add you to my list!

Amy LeBus Jackson