Tuesday, January 29, 2008


I don't know why, but I haven't felt much like blogging. Could be due to the same old same old of life, nothing really exciting happening around here. Go to work, come home, go to work, come home, go to work, put the fire out on the hot water heater and boil water for baths the next two nights...Hopefully the new water heater will be installed tomorrow. I won't totally be dissapearing from blog world. Just need some really good inspiration to blog about something.

Since I'm on here tonight though, I will tell you something funny Bradley said at Brookshires tonight. We were buying juice boxes for lunches and I noticed the price of capri suns went up to $3.07 a box!!! They were $2.24 last week. Bradley and Jake got an earfull about the price and were informed we wouldn't be drinking these much anymore. When we got up in the line to pay Bradley said, "Hey mom you know how you were listening to the President speak last night? Well, he said he was raising the price of everything." I and the lady in front of me laughed and he said, "No really he said it!" I got a good laugh out of that.

PS...Never drop the equivalent of 1 Cup of boiling hot water on your foot...it hurts...bad


jaime s said...

Welcome back! I'll try to think of a list of questions for you to answer on a blog post.

Not now, though...gotta go to bed!

Bradley is too cute!

Just Me. . . said...

I miss my friend Laura!

and about the silly string thing. . .the jury is still out on whether that was a smart idea or not. . .it was just so cold outside. They enjoyed it though.

DeeAnne said...

yay! glad to see you are back. and glad to see that bradley is keeping up with the news for those of us who are too tired to do so!

JB said...

So glad you're back! Miss reading about your boys!

Kendra said...

What's up with the hot water heater??? bummer!! Watch your little toesies!!

Monica said...

Only my Laura would drop boiling water on her foot. : ) I can hear you yelling. I love you friend. You are so sweet to take care of your family. I think we would have gone to a neighbors house to bath.