Saturday, May 31, 2008

How do you combat high gas prices?

Eat Steak! Ha No, seriously! My WONDERFUL friend told us about this website called
Wow. We are so happy with it. You can buy a weeks worth of dinner (for a family or 4) for $30! Now some of you may eat better than the food they give you, but for my family who sticks with cheapo hot dogs, hamburger helper, tuna helper (you get the point) this food they give us is gooooooood! So the picture above was our dinner and desert! This entire meal cost us only $5! The steak, onions, and Sara Lee pumpkin pie, all came from angel foods. The steamed zuchini is fresh from our backyard garden, the berries are fresh from nature, and the beans we bought. It was a yummy meal. Really anyone looking to save anywhere needs to check out this website. You can pick up the food from a local church. It tells you which churches are involved on the website. I suggest you go when they first open to pick up your food. Angel Foods does their part in keeping the food at the right temperature. I went to the local church here when they opened and asked how they kept the food frozen for the people that come at 11, and they don't they just leave it sitting out. Yuck! But we are very happy with what we got!


DeeAnne said...

beautiful meal! we find ourselves eating a lot of deli food lately. i need to look into this website soon!

Just Me. . . said...

So I guess you found AFM somewhere in your area?!?! That's so great!! :)