Saturday, September 13, 2008


Friday was one of "those" days for sure. Actually, Wednesday started it all. Someone at school spilled water on the office floor and it didn't get cleaned up completely. Well, long story short, I slipped on the water puddle that I didn't see, and busted on my elbow after school. Luckily there were witnesses. The principal had someone go get my husband and the trainer out of football practice. Trainer thought my elbow was either chipped or just badly bruised, so principal encouraged a trip to the ER. So, I ended up on some good meds wednesday night. No chipped elbow which is good, but the pain killers made me really tired Wed. and Thurs.

So on to Friday...I was tired and behind on some work I had to get done for my mom, and I had a doctors appt. in Rowlett at 4:30, and I promised to take the boys to see Clone Wars...I was feeling a bit overwhelmed Thursday night :) I decided to take the day off Friday from work.

Long story short again, EVERYTHING went wrong Friday. Everything except dinner at Fudruckers and the movie with the boys. It ended up being pointless to take off from work, the doctors visit went bad that the doctor called me after I left his office to apologize and give an explanation for the mess up, and said there would be some serious repremanding at the office. Geesh...

So the boys and I had a GREAT time at the movie and it was 10:00, time to head home. THANK GOODNESS I brought pillows and blankets for the boys, because I knew they had soccer games at 9 am Sat. and the theater is a 45 minute drive from our house (under normal driving conditions)....

So we left the theater and made it all the way to I30, only to find that the entire interstate heading East has been SHUT DOWN! Okay, usually not a big deal in the Dallas area where there are numerous alternate routs. No, the problem was that it was shut down at Dalrock, which is at the lake in Rockwall, which means there is NO easy alternate route heading East towards my house!!!

Long story short, again, we found a guy at a gas station that told me how to go down to hwy80 and cut over to 34 at Terrell. So I head down my alternate route. Well, some IDIOT has his brights on and is driving right behind me down 34, and my rear view mirror is all messed up, so that nice little button you push for night time to help take out the glare of bright lights, DOESN'T work! I thought I would try flashing my brights on and off and maybe he would get the hint even though I was in front of him. NOPE. Then I tried breaking lightly. NOPE. So I breaked a little harder... NOPE, but he did back off a little. Finally I put my blinker on and got in the shoulder for the idiot to pass me...

The IDIOT was a cop!

Luckily, he went past me. I guess my day could have been a little worse HA!

We got home at 12:15 AM. I discovered last night that I have learned to handle stress a little better than I used to. We got up this morning for the soccer games. The YMCA had not cancelled them. We got to the fields warmed up, and then the City came out and cancelled everyones games. Geesh! I really feel though that this is the end to the bad streak. Maybe I'll post a picture of my elbow later this week when it's really black and blue :)

1 comment:

Scott Family said...

YIKES! That is a horrible day! Yeah to a movie and dinner out, though :) So, what really happened to your elbow? Just badly bruised or something else?
