Monday, October 9, 2006

How long is an hour to a 7 year old? Yesterday after church Bradley was dying to go play with his friends down the street. We told Bradley after lunch he would have to wait about an hour and then he could go to their house. That way they would have time to get home and eat lunch and change clothes. Well, I left to go to Wal-mart with Jake and Randy laid down to take a nap. So I guess Jake and I played a little too long at Wal-mart and when I came home I found this note on the table. So cute to see how Bradley judged an hour since he hasn't learned how to tell time yet. He can read the time on the clock, but he doesn't fully understand how the hours and minutes work all together. :) Posted by Picasa


DeeAnne said...

oh my goodness. what a smart thing for him to do. and how polite of him to leave the note. ha!

you know, i never did get to see the end of madagascar at your house...

Monica said...

what a good kid!!! I love his note! Your boys are sure funny. I also saw you mentioned you guys won a game. That is great!! I know where Greenville is. I have a patient that lives out there. She moved there a few years ago, but loves our office so she always drives back for her dental cleanings. I think of you when she comes in now!!!