Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Cleaning is Not my Forte!

Oh My Word....Have you ever felt like crawling into a hole and dissapearing for a loooooong looooooong time? I do right now! I happened to pick up a cleaning job for the lady down the street that is one day every other week. It's not too much commitment to something and it gives me some fun money. She heard me mention one time that I used to clean my mom's house so she asked me if I would clean for her.

Well, today is my second time to clean for her and since she liked me so much she upped my pay today from last time by $10! Well, after today she may hate me and I may be fired and owing her tons of money! I hadn't been there but five minutes and I dusted this mirror on her wall while anchoring/holding it carefully (I was being soooo careful with her stuff) in the bottom left corner. Well, it wasn't on the nail good and it came falling down, but since I was holding the corner and didn't want it to fall and land in pieces, it came down like a protractor would and left a circular scrape on the wall!!! (Look closely at picture above) UGHHHHHH!!!! I feel so mortified and STUPID!!!

I really hope she has touch up paint...If not, Randy and I may be paying for painters to come paint her enourmous living room/dining room/hallway/laundry room so it will all match. UGHHHH! The worst part is waiting for her to come home from work and hear what she has to say! I left her a note.
UPDATE: She called and was sooooo sweet and said she was sure she had touchup paint somewhere (I wasn't convinced that she did.) They just moved in 8 months ago and the walls had been freshly painted. She said her boys could have easily done that to the walls. She was way tooo nice, but I'm glad she was. I told her if she ever changed her mind, that Randy and I would gladly have it painted. I still don't feel like any less of an idiot!
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Wade said...

Hey Laura,

You and I should start a support group!

It's just a scratch! A little paint should do the trick! If she gets too bent out of shape about it then she probably takes herself too seriously!

It does remind though of what my parent's cleaning lady did to the new suit I bought myself just after graduating from ACU - she washed it! Boat coat and pants in both washer and dryer! I only got to wear it once!

I was furious and demanded to be the one who got to fire her! My parents wouldn't fire her but they told her not to bother washing our clothes anymore!

Don't sweat it though!

Wade said...

What's a boat coat? Sounds like I got a job in the Coast Guard!

"Both coat and pants . . ."