Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Next Year...We Take the Shot!!!!

Well, it's 11:09. I'm exhausted, Jake's in my bed, Randy is in our bedroom floor on a twin matress, and Bradley is Watching Honey We Shrunk Ourselves. Bradley came home from school yesterday with 102 degree fever. I thought oh, we'll see how he is in the morning. Well, he was worse today, so at 3:00 I take him to the doctor only to confirm my suspisions that he has the FLU! But I did want to know for sure. And don't you just love when you go to the doctor and they take you immediatley to the room, but then you have to wait 35 minutes in the room before the doctor comes in, ask two questions, swabs your childs nose, and walks out???

So at 4:15 we leave the doctors (which I hope to find a new one, this one's not too bad, but we've had better), and we head to walmart to get the Tamiflu prescription which the doctor said comes in a generic! I'm thinking yeah $4, another break with medical expenses. Oh no, the doctor was wrong. The lady said that will be $99 and it will be ready in 45 minutes. Well, I asked the lady if we could please have our prescription back and we would take it to Walgreens with the comfort of a drive through and not having to take the boys into walmart to pick it up....since Bradley is MISERABLE! Oh BTW he did manage to cough in my face when leaving WalMart. After I had handed him a towel and said hold this by you so when you have to cough it will be ready to put over your face. That way you won't get Jake and I sick while riding in our itsy bitsy two door car. Lovely!

So we head to Walgreens and I'm asking the pharmacist to please look up my insurance info when a diesel pulls up and I can't hear a word the guy is saying....so I unload the kids and we all go in together. Bradley is HATING this.

Since they also say it will be 45 minutes until ready, we come home for a few then go back to get medicine. This time I drive up and she says that my total will be $99 and pauses and says well insurance rejected you prescription. I think she was waiting for me to yell at her about the price. I said well they shouldn't reject it but I know that we have high deductible, so they won't pay for anything. So, we wait 30 minutes while she's on the phone with insurance and comes back and long story short gave us smaller bottles so insurance would lower the cost to $86 since Bradley had the flu last year and he met his quota of Tamiflu in one year. Hmmm, If only he got the flu in two more days, the Tamiflu prescription would have been fine. HA!!!

And let me add, when we got home I called the pharmacist to please convert Milligrams(on the dropper) to two tsps (on the directions). Well, the prescription was wrong on the box! It should be one tsp twice a day, not two tsps twice a day. Thanks Walgreens! I appreciate you trying to OVERMEDICATE MY 8 YEAR OLD!!!

Anyway, just wanted to vent. This is, I guess, after all my blog. All this to say, I guess we will be getting the Flu shot next year!


Wade said...

Hey Laura,

I feel your frustration! Insurance companies are the bane of my existence (along with American Airlines)!!

I hope Bradley feels better soon!


Candice said...

So sorry Laura. That stinks for Bradley.

It's so reassuring to know that your local pharmacy is competent and reliable :).

I'll be praying that the flu in your house ends with Bradley, and ends quickly.

Heather said...

Poor Bradley, and poor you. I'll pray you don't get it, there isn't anything worse than being a sick mommy!!!

Laura Scott said...

Thanks everyone! Bradley is doing much better. He hasn't had fever today and some of yesterday. Tamiflu is amazing stuff. Hopefully we are getting over this quickly, and hopefully no one else will get the flu, and most important- hopefully we can all go to the Super Bowl Party Sunday with Randy :) !!!