Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Well things have slowed down a little. I didn't share this in the last post, but last Thursday we found out Randy's dad (John/Papa) will not be taking any more chemo treatments for his cancer. He is now in hospice care. Between Thursday and today, the tumor has grown so rapidly that Grandma Deborah said it is starting to show on the right side of his face. I am soooo thankful that Deborah has been able to be there with John, but I know she is tired. Hopefully hospice can provide rest for them and comfort for John. Pray for them. John is a man of great faith and believes God can do anything and is in control of this entire situation. We love them both very much!

Yesterday was a nice treat for me. I got to babysit the SWEETEST (I would underline that if I knew how) baby ever. I believe we are done having babies, so I really enjoy getting to keep other peoples babies and then giving them back :) He was such a cutie though. Bradley got to ride the bus home from school since I couldn't take the baby to pick him up. I forgot to tell him that there would be a baby (he's 9 or 10 months I believe) at our house when he got home. He came in and gave the baby a odd look and then said "is he like a newborn or something?" Ha! too cute. I don't think he was as impressed with the baby as I was :)

Today I took myself over to Central Market. I loooove this place. I got a bunch of yummy stuff. I decided to add whole grains to my healthy lifestyle. I totally broke the diet Thursday-Saturday. We were outside non stop during the baseball tournament and Randy had short windows of time to eat, so it was easier to just pick up fast food. Oh well, back to the good stuff. I'm really happy with myself and am really enjoying being healthy.

I also want to say that my Bradley is such a sweet kid (except for the occasional "go away Jake") . He is so thoughtfull of others and always seems to consider the way others might feel about situations they are in. He's a great kid! I am proud of him.

1 comment:

Monica said...

So sorry to hear about Randy's dad. That is always hard!!! You guys will be in my thoughts.
Sounds like you need another baby so Bradley can figure them out. : )