Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Tonight Bradley and I enjoyed the nice weather and walked in the neighborhood together. After we talked about everything that happened at school that day, there was a lull in the conversation and Bradley asked "Well, isn't there anything to talk about?" To appreciate the conversation that followed that statement I have to fill you in on a conversation we had a few weeks ago when Bradley revealed to me he had his first crush on "K". He asked for advice and I told him crushes were normal around this age and to just take his time and he could tell her if he wanted or he didn't have to tell her at all. SO, here's our conversation...

M- "Well, how are things going with K?"

B- "Not so good."

M- "Why, what happened?"

B- "Mrs. Hooten gave us echalk time the other day and I emailed K and wrote K I have a crush on you"

M- "And what did she say?"

B- "I don't"

Luckily Bradley started laughing here and I was able to let my laughter out and not have to contain it.

M- "Well, maybe K isn't ready to have a crush on anyone yet. Did she say if she liked anyone else?"

B- "No she doesn't like anyone"

M- "I'm proud of you for having a good sense of humor about it. You're a handsome kid and have a lot of time to figure out all this girl stuff."

B- "Mom?"

M- "Yes"

B- " I sent the email to the whole 3rd grade."

M- Trying REALLY hard to contain the laughter, flustered not knowing how to respond, and reverting back to my social work counseling days I replied with "So, how do you feel about that?"

B- "It's okay. A lot of the boys emailed me back and told me who they had crushes on." A little embarrised grin was on his face

M- "Well, I love you sweetie and I'm proud of you. You're a great kid. We aught to walk together more often."

B- "yep, that would be good."



DeeAnne said...

oh. my. god. that is the funniest thing i have ever heard. ever.

Just Me. . . said...

That is so cute. . .I'm so glad he had a great attitude about it, cause I think I would have died!!!! What a great kid!

JB said...

Oh my goodness! That is the BEST story. So glad you shared it!

jaime s said...

what a wonderful mommy you are! (I feel like I always say that!) How cool for Bradley to feel comfortable sharing that with you!

April Carrasco said...

That story is great! I can't get over how much he looks like you. What a trooper!

Kendra said...

Just catching up . . and I LOVE this story. Treasure those moments - I love it!! Sweet boys . .