Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Do you ever wonder what goes through our children's minds? I just walked into Bradley's bathroom and found his soccer clothes laid out just so from last night. We came home from practice and I told him to go hop in the shower. Usually after a shower we put our dirty clothes in the laundry. Not last night for some reason. Maybe he was proud of his practice. Maybe he was bored waiting for the water to warm up. Maybe he's OCD :). Nothing too important about this post. I just laughed when I saw this and wondered what my sweet boy was thinking. Posted by Picasa


Candice said...

A little OCD can be very handy:)! I love that you took a picture of the clothes.

You look like a hottie in the program picture!

mcjacobsjournal said...

I wish my daughters had just a little bit of OCD in them! I have never seen clothes in neat piles like that. It's usually more like underwear behind the toilet, a skirt on the side of the bathtub and the shirt in the hallway. :) He's a cutie!!

Laura Scott said...

For those of you making comments about looking like a movie star and hot mamma, don't be deceived. It's amazing what a black shirt and hiding behind a seven year old can do for a girls figure :)