Sunday, September 10, 2006

Here is our 2006 football program picture. They are not very good because the guy who took the pictures put all the families facing the sun and the wind was blowing like crazy. Yes, I do have bangs. Oh well, you can't complain too much about a free picture. Too bad I didn't have my new Lion shirt for this picture. The coaches wives all went shopping together Saturday and we ordered some shirts with some bling for the games. You will definitley know where the coaches wives are on Friday night. We are the crazy ones who make a bunch of noise and all have our husbands names on the back of our shirts and bring fifty little kids with us to the games! Yep, aren't you all so jealous of our Friday night life style? :)

Aside from football, things have been rolling. Bradley had his first soccer game Saturday. The score was 1 to 12. Bradley's team played their hearts out and they were so proud of themselves when they scored their one goal. Now that's some good parenting when your kids walk away proud of themselves when they've lost they're first game by 11 points! I'll be sure to take pictures at the next game. These 9:00 am games are just too much for a Saturday. It's hard enough to get out of bed at 8 on a Saturday morning much less remember to grab the camera on the way out the door.

Today I enjoyed a good time with my mom at Grapefest in Grapevine. We had to go price our competition. My mom and I are starting a jewelry business. Mom makes these beautifull lampwork beads. She uses a torch and blows colored glass somehow into the shape of a bead. Then I get to do the fun part of stringing the jewelry. I love this part and my mom hates it, so we work well together. We have our first selling gig on Thanksgiving weekend here in town. There is a boutique called Calico Cat that will host ten unique vendors for free, and the owner said we could be one of them. We are excited. Even if it doesn't take off, we are having fun. And we will have some awesome jewelry to wear if no one buys it.

Julie Beth, I am soooo glad to hear from you!!! I wrote you a letter probably 2 years ago and it got returned to sender. So I guess you have moved. I actually drove through Kaufman a few weekends ago when we went to Sams 30th Birthday at the lake (which by the way was a blast. Thanks Sam). I tried to remember where K and B live but had no clue! Anyway, here is my email. I swore I would never post it on blogger for all those weirdos out there but I would love to get in touch with you! I hope you and everyone else I haven't talked to in years is doing well!!! Talk to you soon! Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

Pearson Family said...

Did you order your shirts at Small Town Rags??? Small world!! I can't waitt to see them. We love Friday night football! Can't wait to hear from you! By the way, love the picture. Your hair in the wind looks star!