Friday, November 10, 2006


Feature- by Stacy Lu - AOL Coaches :

Add alcohol to the mix and I guess todays play date could have been a lot crazier than 8 kids, ant bites, dirt in the hair, and going home with wet clothes. I'm not against drinking but this just seems absurd to me! Found it today on AOL...Click on the link above and tell me what you think!


Angie said...

since they are in an affluent neighborhood maybe their cheuffers drive them home. It sounds a little crazy to me. It would be better to leave the kids with a babysitter and meet the gals somewhere, that's just me.

jaime s said...

I think it SCREAMS, "I am such a selfish person!!" Especially because they are SO DEFENSIVE about anyone who disagrees with what they are doing. They consider those people to be "not fun". It's sad b/c they won't consider what they are doing wrong or damaging to their children b/c THEY are enjoying THEMSELVES!! Grrrr!!!

I really hope they don't drive home after their "happy hour playdates" then even more people are at risk as a result of their selfish stupidity!!

Laura Scott said...

I agree Jaime- it is completely driven by selfish motives for a martini "mom date" not play date. It's actually quite sad to me...I read the lead mom's blog (her address is in the article). This is a quote from her blog today "I often forget how much I do, because I make deliberate choices on a daily basis to be not busy. I don't like how busy people are always grinding their gears and feeling overwhelmed and like they never get anything done and sometimes it just seems like all the things we need to do and all the things we like to do are just controlling us and making us unhappy. I'm unhappy all on my own! Well, that wasn't my original point but, okay."
How sad that she is unhappy "all on her own." I'm sure she didn't even realize what she wasy saying. What's sadder is there is a group of these moms trying to find relief and reward in things that will never give it to them. Of course I do not know these women personally, I am only basing my opinion on what I have read.