Thursday, November 16, 2006

Things that Make me Happy

1. When Bradley forgets about looking "cool" and grabs my hand and holds it when we are walking somewhere.

2. When we are on a tight budget and Bradley thinks that riding the school bus home on his 8th birthday TODAY is the awesomest present ever! (Birthday pictures will be posted Saturday after family party)

3. Going to Kroger and buying $50 worth of groceries for $30 because they double and triple coupons!

4. Making other people laugh.

5. When Randy calls me in the day for no reason (rare occasion, but I love it!)

6. Getting a new IM or email from friends, or comments on my blog.

7. Playgroup on Fridays--We have a mix of about 6 or 7 moms and only 2 of them attend the same church, but we are all Christians. It is a unique group and so uplifting to be a part of and the kids all play great together!

8. Staying up late (I do this often).

9. Sleeping in until 10 a.m. (another rare occasion but I love it!)

10. That I only live an hour and 15 minutes from my mother and she pays for my gas every time I go to see her.

11. That my husband still loves me even after I pull too far forward into the garage, and jam into the wonderful workbench that he built, and put a giant hole in the wall! (Another rare occasion that I hit something with the car :), but he still loves me!)

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Just Me. . . said...

Funny how such simple things can make us happy. . .

HEY. . .I'm not on your list. . .don't I make you happy?!?!?! :(

Angie said...

is it really a rare occasion that you hit something with a car...I seem to recall a 'few' other occasions. Also you are REALLY good at number 4 on your list and that is when I miss you, when I need to laugh.

Laura Scott said...

Okay Kyna, I tried non discretely to include everyone in some way-- notice the edit to number 6! And I do believe you already qualified making the happy list on number 8 (IM helps me stay up late and put off baking cupcakes) and number 4 of course...Unless your just trying to boost by ego and make me feel better about myself when you type hahahahahahahahahahaha

I don't see a question mark. Are you asking a question about hitting something with a car? or is that a typo and you are making a statement of IT IS a rare occasion? :)

Anonymous said...

Mrs. Scott,
Shouldn't that be discretely in you comment to Kyna? Not "non discretely"?
Advisor for the retarded

Candice said...

Happy Birthday, Bradley! Eight years old...really?!

Patti said...

It is true that laughter is medicine for the soul--and you keep me healthy and well with all the giggles (not to mention belly laughs!)we share. You bring such joy to my life. You are a gift!

Just Me. . . said...

Okay - I guess I can accept that, although name recognition would have been much appreciated!

Angie said...

That was a kind suttle way of saying I think you've actually hit a 'few' things with your car, not that there is any thing wrong with that. So I was saying .. Is it really a rare occasion? It's hard to get a joke across sometimes thru typing.

Monica said...

Love your list Laura. You got to hate running into things in the garage. That is something I would do. Anytime you write about car adventures I always think back to our high school days or driving. I am not sure if my skills have improved much since then.

jaime s said...

What a great list...I'm surprised Sonic Diet Coke didn't make your list...especially since you got all of those coupons!!!

I can't believe little Bradley is 8 years that possible?!?!

Laura Scott said...

Monica, I know you share in my frustration of our husbands always hammering things ONLY where a post is. Well, I have to commend Randy this time bc if there hadn't of been a post there, the hole might have been in our living room as well!

What a good friend to not let me forget Sonic Diet Cokes!!!! I can't believe I didn't put that on there. Can you believe I only have 4 coupons left out of 56? :(