Thursday, February 22, 2007

Fun With Mimi!

Wow, blogger finally let me log in!!! I have had a lot of trouble with blogger since switching to the "new" blogger. And I haven't been able to leave comments to people lately (Jaime, Paige, Monica, Wade) I've wanted to comment but haven't been able to. It's either my slow dial up or this new blogger. Probably the Slow Dial up!

Anyway, my mom came over today and took Jake and I to Applebee's for lunch, It was soooo tempting to get something really bad to eat, but I was good and got a salad with grilled chicken. Not that chicken and ranch are on the diet, but I am doing really good on this diet. I FEEL WONDERFUL too!!! I have energy!!! It's great.

Mimi and Jake played with our molding sand today. This stuff is really cool. You can buy it at Lakeshore Learning store over by the galleria. It has wax in the sand so it is moldable. I love Lakeshore!!! It is a great educational store. We also have sand that scientist believe to be like mars sand. You pour water over it and it looks really cool under water but when you pull it out of the water it is completely dry! If your ever in that area, check out that store.

I'm so glad mom got to come down. She had been coming over almost weekly, but then we got busy, so I am really glad she came today. I bought Bradley one of those "Magic Rock" growing crystals from Target the other day and we put it together today while Mimi was here. I can remember doing this as kids and I don't remember it being one bit difficult. Well on the directions today it says how dangerous the gel is that makes the rocks grow and to wipe it up immediatley with soap and water if it spills and do not let it touch the skin. Yikes, scary that this is supposed to be an experiment for a kid!!! I don't even think we did it right or that the rocks are gonna grow. I checked on it tonight and it looks pretty pittiful. If it turns out to be anything great I'll let you know, but right now this is going on my list with the gell ant farm (posted in October) as an unimpressive, don't spend your money on it, toy!!!

Okay while I was editing this blogger did something with my last picture of Bradley watching his growing rocks do....NOTHING!!! Sorry, don' know where it went!

1 comment:

Kendra said...

I've had fun catching up on your life! I LOVE your new coffee table. Great idea. We've just given up on ours - it looks like beavers have scratched and knawed at it all over. Sweet boys. Maybe when they are bigger we'll get a "big people's" table that they won't trash.