Saturday, September 8, 2007

Well, here it is! The magazine will hit the stands soon (next week maybe, I can't remember). Mom and I are excited. Mom has worked VERY hard on everything. For those of you who don't know, this is mom's bracelet she designed on the cover of the magazine. Today, my aunt and I went to mom's house and helped her move everything out to the garage. Tomorrow I will go back over and help my mom fill 13 orders that were all placed in one day! These orders came from people who subscribe to the magazine and get the first issues. We are hoping that orders keep coming in...who knows?!!! Check out our

UPDATE: I'm tired...going to bed soon...I went to help mom fill our 13 orders and by the time I left we were up to 24!

My work in Lone Oak is WONDERFULL. I LOVE it! I love working with the student I shadow. And the 6th graders are much nicer than I thought they would be. I love knowing that my boys are in the building right next to me, and that I walk right by the playground everyday when Jake is out there and get to stop and hug him. Jake is exhausted from his first week. He has never gone all day everyday like this, so it has worn his little self out. Especially after staying up untill midnight last night for football.

Football is going good so far too. In fact last night we played the team whose head coach was the first coach Randy worked for. I got to talk to his wife for a long time. That coaching staff was probably the closest one we have ever been a part of. That's probably why we stayed for four years. We all got along sooo good fact almost all of us went to church together. Their little boy (5th grade) remembered Bradley. He told Bradley that he always tells his friends not to run in his house because of Bradley's mishap from when he spent the night there. Bradley and this little boy were chasing each other and Bradley came home with stitches in his head after he tripped and hit the wall! It was sooo good to see them! I love running into old friends. I wish I could run into my blogging friends! I miss a lot of you guys too!!!

1 comment:

JB said...

Congrats on your jewelry! It is beautiful! Glad to hear you are loving your job.