Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Tooth Fairy and Tears

Jake lost his first tooth Sunday! We're not quite sure where though. Well, I think he swallowed it with his Chicken burrito, but he thinks it's in the bottom of Mimi and Grandpa's swimming pool or at Rosa's Cafe. The Tooth Fairy didn't make her appearance until last night though.

Today Jake had a field trip to Tyler to the science place. Randy picked the boys up and brought them home because I had to run a school related errand after work. When I came in Jake ran up and hugged me and started crying. He said, "Mom where were you today? I waited and looked for you but you didn't come." Oh my! My eyes started watering. I felt horrible. I told him parents were not allowed to go on this field trip because of space issues. I would have gladley taken off to go to his field trip. In fact he probably thought I was coming because I went to his last one a couple of weeks ago at the park. He just broke my heart today, sweet boy.


DeeAnne said...

congratulations jake! whatcha gonna do with that dollar? you look so grown up!

and mom, i'm sorry. i know what it's like to feel like you missed out on something. you are such a good mommy!

Patti said...

Laura, this picture of Jake reminds me of you when you were his age. I can't imagine how cute he'll be when all four front teeth are gone! He looks so happy.

JB said...

Poor Jake, Poor Mommy! I hope he has a better weekend!

JB said...

Poor Jake, Poor Mommy! I hope he has a better weekend!

Monica said...

Teeth are sneaky about falling out!! I always tell my little patients they are going to swallow their teeth if they don't pull them. No one ever believes me! : )
You will have to remind Jake in a few years how he WANTED mommy around. : )
We will have to get together sometime when you guys are in town. We have a really fun water park for our neighborhood pool. Your boys would love it and it's free. : )