Sunday, September 21, 2008

Day I will never forget

Okay let me start with this morning. One of the sweetest mornings of my families life. Randy got to baptise Bradley this morning at church. I cried and cried it was so sweet. Randy did a good job and he gave Bradey a big hug afterward and said the best prayer about his son who is now his brother in Christ. Sweet precious unforgetful morning. In fact I know I am about to probably type paragraphs about this afternoon, but should be typing paragraphs about the baptism. It was a precious moment.

We came home and the boys went to play at their friends house, Randy went to work, and I laid down to take a nap.

2:40 the phone rings..."Hello Laura your husbands been in a wreck on 513 and hwy 69, laid his bike down, he's okay, we've got medical on the way." OH MY!!! I say I'll be there immediately.

Speed to Christie and Bens, run in their house ask them to keep the kids. Speed to Lone Oak (very carefully to not wreck though). Longest 15 minutes of my life! Thoughts racing through my head. They said he was okay. Does this mean he's conscious? Is he broken? Or is he really okay???

Get there and the paramedics have him bandaged in the ambulance. He's talking, whew! Thank the Lord!

My tough husband refuses to ride in the ambulance because of money, I tell him DO NOT WORRY about it. I end up driving him to the ER. He is scraped up pretty bad on his right side. Basically scraped off all the skin on his right arm and bottom part of his leg. Second degree burn on his hands. His poor hands are bandaged like mittens and he can't use them hardley at all. He will go to some type of therapy tomorrow for the burns. THANK THE LORD he was wearing his helmet.

A lady apparently did not see him and pulled out into the intersection causing Randy to fall and skid. The lady does not even know what she did and continues on. Thank goodness there were witnesses who saw everything and stopped and helped my husband.

Anyway, had he not been wearing his helmet, we would have been much worse off. It busted the side of his helmet. I can't imagine if that had been his bare head. Randy actually took a course that exempted him from wearing a helmet. So glad he wears it! He said his shoulder and head hit the pavement first.

I've got him showered and bandaged and in his recliner watching football. It has been a very bitter sweet day. I am so thankful for my boys and glad they are with me tonight. Shook up, but thankful.
This would have been the right side of his face hitting the pavement at 55 miles per hour. Instead it busted off the visor. That's the one thing we insisted on spending money on...a good Shoei helmet.

Cell phone is no more. I'm hoping we can get his ring sanded down or something. Not a very good picture, there are just scrapes all over it.


Just Me. . . said...

OMG!!! I'm so glad that Randy is okay!!!

DeeAnne said...

i can think of nothing else. i pray to god that randy is ok. we are thinking of him every second.

we love you and we love randy.

god is watching over you.

JB said...

praising God Randy is ok!!!

Monica said...

SO thankful for that helmet!!! I hate hate motorcycles and this is why!!! I saw this happen before and it is scary. So very glad your man is ok. Praise God for sweet Bradly's desision to follow Jesus!!! What a precious moment to witness!!