Monday, September 22, 2008


I was able to take Randy to therapy this morning. They said we did a good job washing his arm and getting the gravel out. They put him in the whirlpool and cut off more dead skin. They sent me home with a bag of "goodies" to take care of Randy with. I took Randy to Chick Fil A for lunch and he said he wanted to go to work. I took him and he hung out in the coaches office until time for practice. He made it through practice and came home with yellow stuff seepeing out his bandages. I am not happy. I wish he would stay home. The people at therapy said his wounds look good though.

I just helped him take off the bandages and it was nasty! I can't tell you how many times I have wanted to puke. I asked for a trash can at the ER yesterday. The nurses gave me another lesson today in how to dress it. They said he didn't need to come back to therapy until Thursday, which is good for Randy but bad for me. I was hoping he would have to go every day and that THEY would have to dress the wounds for one of the times per day. Hopefully, they will heal quickly even though he is being stubborn and going to work.

Bradley got in the car today and started crying. He is upset to see his dad helpless in some areas and that his dad hurts. He wanted to go to Wal Mart immediately after school and get stuff for dad. He picked out a card, balloon, an Indiana Jones movie, Star Crunch, and Whoopie Cushions HA! He said maybe that would make dad laugh. Randy is TOUGH and handles it well. I'll be glad when we are done with this. Thank goodness we have good insurance that will cover the bike and medicall expenses!


Scott Family said...

Laura, I can so understand your desire to puke!! HA HA! I am not made to be much of a nurse when it comes to anything that might be "seeping", "weeping" or need to be "lanced" or "scraped"...ugh. All those words make me cringe! But, I am glad YOU are so tough to be able to do it nonetheless. We will be praying for you guys and Randy and that he will continue to heal well.


Just Me. . . said...

What a sweet little boy you have. Sometimes the hearts of children can teach us so much. I pray that Randy heals quickly!!! (and that you get a stronger stomach!!! Ha ha )