Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Should I write this?

Okay, before I go into what I am debating writing, let me apologize for my blog being all in a funk for a while until blogger fixes the template changes. I got this cool thing last night that lets you track your blog and see who's reading it and your visitors. I figure hey, I dispaly this for all the world to have access to so I'd like to know exactly who is reading what and when. Well, again technology is not my friend and I got rid of the stupid program because I can't figure out how to install it!

Now to what I hate to admit about yesterday. Jake and I started our day together with school, learning the letter A. Then, I took Jake with me to buy soccer shoes, socks, and a ball for Bradley. I figured since I was buying all this for Bradley, I would get Jake a little buzz lightyear while at Target. After Target we went to the pet store and just looked around. Then we came home and played and did our usual stuff. At three o'clock, we got in the car and went to wait in line to pick up Bradley. While in line, I told Jake I had fun with him today and asked him if he had good time. He said no. To my shock I asked him why and his reply was, "Because I don't wike you momma."

WHAT!!!! I thought this would come out of their mouth maybe in high school, but not when they are 4! I calmed down before responding and asked why again. He said, "because I don't." So, I tried another approach. "Well Jake, what would make you like me?" His answer, "well if you bought me a bunch of toys, or a small pet, then I would wike you."
I'm sitting there thinking. Who get's you dressed every day, who teaches you school, who cooks your dinner, who brushes your teeth, who bathes you, who plays with you, who puts you to bed, who takes you to play with friends, who wipes your poopy bottom (sorry for the grotesque image but that's what went through my head).

I told Jake that he was not old enough to make that desicion of whether or not he liked his mother and that it hurt my feelings. I told him he had to like his mother. I know where all this was coming from. Randy has been working 5:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. M-W, 5:30a.m. to 11:00 p.m. R, 5:30 to 12:30 a.m. Friday, and 7:00a to 5:00p Sat. So, I know that his not wiking me was really his way of trying to express that he misses his dad and has spent a little too much time with his mother lately. Right?! I still love him, but give me a break. Maybe one day he'll realize all I've done for him. Oh, and by the way mom--- a BIG thank you for all you did for me growing up! I love you!


Monica said...

How funny Jake doesn't wike his momma. Sounds like he has it pretty good. I think you went wrong when you came home empty handed from the pet store. : ) I truely believe in buying the love of children. Just ask my nephews. If there is a toy they really want, they know you ask Aunt Moni she always buys me what I want. I like that you told Jake he was not old enough to not wike his mother. That is a good one. Thanks for the funny story.

JB said...

Hi Laura! I found your blog through someone else's and am so excited to catch up on your (busy and fun!) life. Your kiddos are so grown up and beautful. I can't believe Bradley is in 2nd grade! We were in TX over the weekend and I was thinking about you and wondering how I could get in touch. So glad to see you are doing well. Love, Julie Beth

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