Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Yesterday Jake and I went to a store and while we were there Jake really wanted me to by myself a pink box with rhinestones all over it. I asked why and he said "for yours jewelry." I laughed and told him I already had a giant jewelry box in my bedroom and said I didn't need another one.

So Randy comes home later in the day and he and Jake are out in the garage building things with nails and wood. Jake came in and showed me what he had made me. It was this cute little jewelry holder! He then proceeded to start hanging jewelry I have been making for our show in May.

I kept thinking how sweet of Jake to be thinking of me. As I looked around the room though, I began to realize that maybe Jake wasn't really thinking of me. When I make jewelry, I pull A LOT of stuff out to help get the creativity and ideas going. I realized I really have taken up a lot of his playroom floor. So, maybe Jake wasn't so concerned about his mother having a jewelry holder, but maybe he just wanted his playroom floor back!
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Kendra said...

Fun - I didn't know you made jewelry! I think sweet Jake was just being a thoughtful big boy. Maybe he's your organizational one, huh? Very cute.

Patti said...

Hmmmm....If you put ALL that stuff on one little table, you could mistake it for my work area! Is it genetic?!? My favorite new glass is named "Creation is Messy" (CiM). Guess that is really true!
Love you,