Monday, May 14, 2007

New York

I don't know what is going on...all the picture's showed up when I was previewing and editing!!! I will keep messing with it and try to get the rest of the pictures to come up like they are supposed too!!!!!UGHHHHHHH
I love this picture...I took it in Times Square. I believe that is Obama and Hillary's faces in the middle screen. And then of course the Bush's on the right and Guiliani (sp?) on the left. I just love it because New York is such an economic and governmental power. It's amazing to see all the ships in the harbor and all the lots of train cars with shipments in them!

For those of you who haven't been to New York....there are way more buildings than you would ever be able to imagine. I love this church that towered with some of the was spectacular. Sorry it's not a better picture. We were riding in the car.

The sea of yellow. I felt out of place in DeeAnne and Jamil's car with all the taxis about. I also believe I learned the appropriate (and not so appropriate) times to yell at stupid pedestrians and drivers on our trip to Manhattan.

I'm really happy these cops have nothing better to do on a Sunday afternoon. No really I means everything is flowing smoothly in the city.

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Unknown said...

Hi Laura!! Great catching up with you through your blog! Sorry I haven't responded sooner...I didn't realize how HARD it would be this first year at Baylor. But I'm off now, and I'll venture over here more often. Congrats to your sister, too! What a wonderful surprise. Blessings to you!

Kendra said...

Cool trip you got to go on!!!! Wow! We went to NYC for part of our honeymoon and loved it - need to go back again someday. Your sister looks great, too - I remember her from the good ol' high school days!